Maximizing Holiday Homes
Rental Revenue Made Easy

Unlock your home´s revenue potencial with Agmakina

+ 0 %
more occupancy
+ 0 %
more rental revenue
0 X
faster inquiry response time
+ 0 %
better reviews

Earn more from your short-term rental

Get a free consultation on the current market trends and potential outlook for your property.

Leave your home to hospitality

We care about your home

Our professional greeting team checks & vets for every guest that comes into your home and makes sure everything is intact after every stay. We promptly reply to any inquiry you might have.

Increase your revenue

Our pricing experts make sure you get the maximum occupancy and revenue with every booking. We leverage real-time rental demand data to always set the right price for your property

Your guests will love you

High cleaning standards, personalised check-in experiences and hotel-style amenities are guaranteed to build up your Airbnb reputation and quickly turn you into a super host



of your rental revenue

The commission depends on the property profile.

Full property management services

We eliminate the inconvenience of short-letting and help you maximise your rental revenue in London.

Online management

Guest management

Property management

Multiple booking Platforms

We feature your property on multiple short and medium term booking channels at the same time.


Still need help?

Our services ensure that every facet of your vacation rental is managed, providing a memorable experience for your guests.

For owners who prefer to handle some tasks themselves, we offer a basic management package. This package includes handling the administrative tasks of your villa rental, such as:

– Setting up listings on popular accommodation platforms like Airbnb and
– Enhancing your listing’s appeal to boost both the frequency and profitability of bookings.
– Coordinating calendars across various platforms to avoid overbooking.
– Managing all guest communications before, during, and after their stay.
– Implementing dynamic pricing strategies based on demand to maximize both occupancy and nightly rates.
– Organizing villa staff tasks, including cleaning, gardening, and general maintenance.
– Handling all aspects of booking and payments through chosen platforms.
– Providing guests with a comprehensive house manual and local area guide.
– Ensuring guest satisfaction, reflected in consistent 5-star reviews.

Our comprehensive villa management package includes everything in the basic plan plus additional services such as:

– Dedicated staff for thorough cleaning, regular maintenance, inspections, and general handyman tasks.
– Arranging guest transportation to and from the airport.
– Personalized on-site guest check-ins.
– Replenishing essential supplies in the villa.
– Offering advice on legal and tax matters related to villa rentals.

The fees for managing a villa in Bali are generally based on a percentage of the rental income generated from bookings. On average, these management fees range from 20% to 30%.

Balitecture provides highly competitive rates for comprehensive villa management, charging only 20% of the booking revenue, in addition to covering villa operating costs.

Investing in our villa management services often proves cost-effective, as our skilled team specializing in holiday rentals can significantly increase both the frequency and profitability of bookings.

First, our services remove the complexities involved in managing your property, allowing you to enjoy the profits from your investment without the day-to-day burdens.

Second, our team brings years of expertise in managing villas across Bali. We specialize in optimizing your property’s presence on platforms like Airbnb, which helps your listing gain better visibility and attract more bookings.

The increase in bookings facilitated by our management typically offsets our fees, and you’ll likely see an enhanced return on your investment as a result.

Take your next step to success

Our in-house vacation rental experts can help you buy, sell, and succeed at everything in between. No long-term contracts, a money-back guarantee, and the expertise you need to take charge of your financial future.

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